Welcome to my library of resources!
table of contents- learn coding
- find assets you can use
- learn about aromanticism
- firefox extentions you should have
- just nice websites
- research resources
- search engines
learn coding
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out neocities tutorials!
Use w3 schools to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and more!
MDN Web Docs can teach you coding, but is also just nice to reference while coding in general
Scrimba is another way to learn to code
web accessibility
To check if your color-combinations are legible for all readers use color [dot] review W3C's Introduction to Web Accessibility . W3C is the organization that decides on the standards of Accessibility on the web. They are an invaluable direct resource.A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Web Accessibility
Mozilla's Accessibility Overview
WebAIM's Introduction to Web Accessibility
What is Web Accesibility in 60 Seconds! [YouTube Video]
Accessibility: What's the difference between WCAG Levels A and AA? [YouTube Video]
FreeCodeCamp. FCC provides an extremely beginner friendly Responsive Web Design course. The lessons for this course integrate accessibility standards naturally, and also have individual lessons specifically for teaching accessibility.
FreeCodeCamp's Accessibility Tag on their News Page
HTML Dog's Tutorial's for HTML, CSS, and Javascript
MarkSheet's Free HTML and CSS Tutorial
W3C's Easy Checks
W3C's QuickRef on How to Meet WCAG
WAVE: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
find assets
use this resource site (in norwegian, but there isn't a lot of text)
use nappy dot co for free stock images of black people by black people.
use Pixabay for free stock images.
rapidAPI is a place to find APIs, most free APIs have strict limits, but there are in fact free APIs. Most also have a paid version
learn about aromanticism
go to AUREA's website for a library of terms, research and news
go to aromantic guide [dot] com to learn the basics of aromanticism, find aromantic creators and more resources
go to aro worlds to find aromantic, primarily aroallo, fictional stories for free. And some others resources
firefox extensions
Do you not have firefox yet? download it now! it's free and it's not chromium based (privacy warning: the article is on a site with D-rating on TOS;DR)! (here's a list of non-chromium browsers, I haven't researched others)
- noScript : turn off javascript on any website, whether to access paywalled articles, to stop tracking or whatever you want
- Terms of service didn't read: get a brief overview over the terms of service of most websites
- Firefox Multi-Account Containers : have an easier time switching between accounts.
- shinigami eyes will tell you if any given blog is widely known as trans-positive or anti-trans - run by the community, so you can mark people as supportive or hateful yourself too
just nice websites
alternativeTo [dot] net : you don't like [insert website or app], but can't think of any alternatives? well here's a site for that!researching resources
project Gutenberg , free epubs and eBooks. 70k+.the internet archive!! such a good resource! websites, books, movies, music, TV, software, images!!
sci-hub : let's make it easy to access research :)
both obviously and "obviously not": wikipedia. The key is to only rely on well-graded articles, and to always site wikipedia's sources, and if you were to site a wikipedia article, remember to include the time!!. (you can permalink to versions too)
Search engines
- refseek - for finding sources
- marginalia search - for finding different stuff, blogs etc
- lilo search - just if you want a different search engine